Dr Béatrice Delpouve


Attaché for academic cooperation in the French Embassy of Turkey


Doctor in Biochemistry and advanced level engineer in food industry from the University of Lille (France), she developed her competences and career to design international projects, higher education policy and processes guaranteeing quality assurance processes. She held the position of a senior managing director at several higher education institutions. Her philosophy is that of a team-oriented leader, manager of academic institutions and of a partner in international cooperation, modelling international degrees. She strives for inter-continental compatibility of degrees, she has been involved in various projects developing a joint international research laboratory.

During the last ten years, she has been involved with various global trends in higher education: French strategic and diplomatic cooperative projects, European Union projects and capacity building programs in doctoral studies in Europe and in Africa.

She is a Bologna Expert since 2000, which entails influencing the design of the Erasmus+ Charter and guidelines, ECTS and DS guidelines, recognition of joint degrees and the development of the international dimension of the Bologna process also beyond the European Union, especially on the African continent and in Turkey.


  • Member of the International Advisory Board

Key publication (5 max):

  • 2014, meta-profile development to harmonise mechanical engineering education in Africa, Tuning Journal for Higher Education 11/2014; Volume 2, Issue No. 1, November 2014, 161-178(Issue No. 1):161-178.
  • 2015, European Commission, contribution to the ECTS users’ Guide, Publication Office, ISBN 978-92-79-43562-1
  • 2016, European Commission, Erasmus Mundus joint programmes, the story so far, Managing joint programmes, p. 47-58, Publication Office, ISBN 978-92-79- 58160-1
  • 2018, to be published, TUNING Africa higher education systems phase II, contribution to the edition of the subject area books, Publication Tuning academy, Ed Deusto Collaborative



This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement n°764837