Selection School
Our Selection School has been organized from June 18th to 22nd, together with the MedChem Train Summer School in Penela, Portugal. 14 candidates were asked to present their training and were interviewed for the positions they applied for. The selected candidates will start their contract in September or October in their home universities.
Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board met on June 21st, alongside the recruitment event. The main discussions were oriented on the recruitement, the hosting of the early stage researchers, the start of the scientific and training activities.
3 publications for POLYTHEA! The links are available here!
European Researchers Night
Stéphanie Lhez participated to the European Reserchers Night, organized in Limoges by the University Partner Foundation, on September 28th. She has presented the project and its objectives to high shcool students with three objects, all around a drink and music.
They talk about us!
The COMUE "Léonard de Vinci" posted an article about our video in their newsletter of June 2018: http://www.u-ldevinci.fr/newsletter/newsletter-juin-2018-universite-confederale-leonard-de-vinci-comue-ucldv-2/
Upcoming events: Mid Term Check - November 26th, Coimbra, Portugal - Basic Package Interdisciplinary School - November 27th to 30th, Coimbra, Portugal |