22 juillet 2019
Photodynamic Therapy Intersectorial School
The 3rd training school was organized at the University of Limoges from July 15th to 19th, 2019. It focused on transferrable and specific [...]

4 juillet 2019
Claire DONOHOE presented in IPA Boston
Claire Donohoe (ESR 8) presented her work « Investigation of the implications of atropisomerism for redaporfin-PDT » during the 17th [...]

20 juin 2019
Luis Arnaut elected as the next President of the International Photodynamic Association (IPA) Board of Directors
Luis Arnaut, PhD has been elected as the next President of the International Photodynamic Association (IPA) Board of Directors. [...]

28 mai 2019
ELEVIT conference in Athens
Sofia Sarpaki (BIOEMTECH) presented a poster about POLYTHEA project during the conference ELEVIT that took place in Athens early May 2019. [...]

28 mai 2019
4th Photodynamic Day-GTU
Stéphanie Lhez made a lecture titled “Lignin for antimicrobial photodynamic treatment” during the 4th Photodynamic Day organized by Gebze [...]

28 mai 2019
Europe alongside university of the Limoges and its researchers
POLYTHEA participated to the conference “What answers to the health challenges in Europe today? Europe alongside the University of Limoges [...]

27 mai 2019
Fellowships for the 2019-ESP Congress
Three of our PhD Students, Zoi Melissari (ESR 2), Harry Sample (ESR 6) and Piotr Gierlich (ESR 9) received a full fellowship to attend the [...]

16 mai 2019
POLYTHEA in Limoges local journal
Limoges’ local journal, Le Populaire du Centre, published an article about the research projects obtained at the University of [...]

10 avril 2019
PhD meeting Doctoral School 614
Emma Robbins (ESR 1) and Bhavya Khurana (ERR 5) presented their work during the PhD meeting day of the Doctoral School 614 (CEGA), held in [...]

30 mars 2019
Escola Molecular – University of Coimbra
Claire Donohoe (ESR 6) participated in Ecola Molecular, a programme run by PhD students in the department of chemistry in Coimbra in [...]

26 mars 2019
Photodynamic Therapy Intersectorial Summer School
The call for communication and registration to the Photodynamic Therapy Intersectorial Summer School is open! The Photodynamic Therapy [...]

19 mars 2019
Nidia Maldonado-Carmona met with high school students
On March 18th, 2019, ESR 7, Nidia Maldonado-Carmona, met with high school students from Lycée Turgot in Limoges, to explain that it’s [...]