24 janvier 2020
Photodynamic Therapy Happy families Game
The Francophone society of medical photonics (SFPMed) developped a happy families game. It’s made of 49 cards that explain in a fun [...]
15 janvier 2020
ESRs periodic table of elements
Our ESRs decided to shine a light on the periodic table of elements, to celebrate the international year of the periodic table. Each of them [...]
20 décembre 2019
Poster session for the International Advisory Board
Our ESRs presented posters to the International Advisory Board (IAB) members. A nice occasion for them to present their research and results [...]
20 décembre 2019
Meeting Amsterdam – December 16th-18th, 2019
The supervisors, ESRs and the members of the International Advisory Board (IAB) gathered in Amsterdam for the biannual in person meeting. [...]
22 novembre 2019
The Periodic Table comes alive at Trinity College Dublin!
Claire, Harry and Piotr saw the Berkeley Library in Trinity College Dublin lit up with an animated periodic table on November 21st! The [...]
22 novembre 2019
Manuel at Metals in Medicine congress in Paris
Manuel (ESR 10) attended the congress Metals in Medicine in Paris on November 14th and 15th. He listened to interesting talks on metal [...]
18 novembre 2019
Dáire and Zoi at HRSMC Symposium
Dáire and Zoi attended the Lustrum Symposium of Holland Research Schooll of Molecular Chemistry (HRSMC) on November 14th. They listened to [...]
23 octobre 2019
Nidia and João elected at the Supervisory Board
Nidia (ESR 7) and João (ESR 4) are our new ESR representatives on the Supervisory Board. They were elected by the other ESRs for 1 year, to [...]
1 octobre 2019
European Researchers Night
The POLYTHEA teams were present for the European Researchers Night in Limoges (France) and Athens (Greece) on September 27th, 2019. It was a [...]
18 septembre 2019
POLYTHEA Youtube Channel
The project’s YouTube Channel is online: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCgQtsFFreT6L0VF6idKX6g!! Find out the ESRs interviews, the [...]
30 août 2019
World congress on Light and Life 2019
Some supervisors and ESRs attended and their work at the World Congress on Light and Life (17th Congress of the International Union of [...]
29 août 2019
Piotr GIERLICH presented a poster in Dublin
Piotr Gierlich (ESR 9) presented a poster called « Bodipy-based dyad photosensitizers for application in photodynamic therapy » at [...]