Our first training school was organized at the University of Coimbra from November 27th to 30th, 2018. The lectures and praticals were about the fundamentals of photodynamic therapy. All the ESRs of the project were present, as well as 5 PhD students from the University of Coimbra, and 1 from the University of Neuchâtel.
For the detailed programme, click on "+ d'infos".
Mid-term check
We held our mid-term check with the Research Executive Agency on November 26th, 2018, just before the beginning of the Winter School. Caroline Peters, our Project Officer, checked the implementation of the project, with a specific focus on the recruitement of the ESRs.
Claire Donohoe (ESR 8) and Dáire Gibbons (ESR 3) are our ESR representatives on the Supervisory Board. They were elected by the other ESRs for 1 year, to represent them and take part of the decisions linked to the implementation of the project.
They explain why they choose to be candidates and their mission.
On March 18th, 2019, (ESR 7), Nidia Maldonado-Carmona, met with high school students from Lycée Turgot in Limoges, to explain that it’s possible to make a presentation in English without being a native speaker. I was also the occasion to briefly present her work and her research. It was her first experience with a young public, great job Nidia!
The programme of the Photodynamic Therapy Intersectorial Summer School, from July 15th to 19th is now available! The call for communication and registration is open until May 22nd. Only 10 places available!
And 4! Find all our publications on the webpage http://www.polythea.eu/publications/
Upcoming EventsPOLYTHEA present for the Joli Mois de l'Europe/Europe Month - May 21st, 2019, Limoges, France - Photodynamic Therapy Intersectorial Summer School - July 15th to 19th, University of Limoges, France - 3rd in person Supervisory Board meeting - July 19th, University of Limoges, France