BIOEMTECH organized the entrepreneurial online Winter school from December 8th to 11th. It gathered 13 speakers for 14 lectures on different thematics linked to industry and entrepreneurship.
All the project ESRs and around 20 external students attended the event.
Right after the first lockdowns in Spring because of the covid-19 pandemic, our ESRs were asked to share their experience, and explain how they adapted their work to the situation. Find out their interviews in a series of posters:
João and Piotr elected to the Supervisory Board
João (ESR 4) and Piotr (ESR 9) have been elected by the ESRs as their representatives to the Supervisory Board for the last year of the project.
Even in lockdown, our ESRs and supervisors have been really active. Nine papers have been published in 2020!
Zoi (ESR 2), Bhavya (ESR 5), Harry (ESR 6) and Claire (ESR 8) participated to the Research Executive Agency (REA) video contest. The goal was to present their research and the project in a 15 sec clip.
Their video was selected and posted on the REA twitter page!
Because of the lockdowns linked with the covid-19 pandemic, many of the ESRs need more time to finish their research and submit their thesis. The Supervisory Board has requested a 6-month extension to the Research Executive Agency, to allow the ESRs to submit meaningful and quality research project. The amendement request is ongoing.