Bhavya (ESR 5) and Nidia (ESR 7) both won prizes at the photogenic science contest organized by the IPA (International Photodynamic Association)! Light can save lives, and look amazing in the process! Congratulations to both of them!
ESR 4 is now Dr João Simões! He successfully defended his thesis on November 26th, 2021, titled Radiolabelled porphyrinic metalla-assemblies linked to cellulose nanocrystals as PDT and imaging agents. He was supervised by Bioemtech, and graduated both from the University of Neuchâtel and the University of Limoges.
All the PIs and ESRs met on January 7th, 2022, to prepare the last 6 months of the project implementation. Due to the pandemic, the meeting was held online.
From ESR to postdoc
3 of the ESRs are now post docs!
Nidia has a 1 year postdoc at Sorbonne Université (France) since October 2021, in the Laboratoire Jean Perrin UMR 8237 working for the Light4Lungs project
Dáire has a 3 years post doc in Université Paris-Sarclay (France) in the ICCMO of Orsay from April 2022
Bhavya has a technical scientist position in Abbot Ireland (Ireland), from March 2022
NWO Chains 2021: Zoi gave an online presentation titled « Aluminium tris-Dipyrrinato Complexes as Potential Photosensitizers in Photodynamic Therapy » at NWO CHAINS 2021, the Dutch Chemistry Conference in the parallel session ‘Molecular tools for application in life sciences’.
Upcoming eventsBhavya's defense - March 21st, 2022